Social Media Content

social media
Creating for Social Media is incredibly fun to me. I find it cultivates my creativity and challenges me to stick to a schedule that aligns with the algorithm.

There was a point in time that I really enjoyed social media as a platofrm and went viral on TikTok through the recreation of other creators TikTok. Howveer, the rise to fame was something that I was not ready for yet at the time, and I felt overwhelmed to the extent of quitting social media.

Now, I work specifically with Instagram, and the reels that are on Instagram, which has a very diverse range of actions one can perform. Social Media content creation is a career that I would love to pursue full-time.

Nail Art

nail art
Nail art is another hobby of mine that I use as an outlet of creativity. I like to create beautiful art that can be worn for a temporary amount of time, which I see as reflecting the constantly changing attitudes and moods of people.

I started a Nail ARt Business on campus not too long ago and it has been thriivng, However, because of time commitment reasons, I may not be able to continue this business for much longer. It has been amazing connecting with the women in my USC community, however!